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HealthyRoad // Desafios Porto 2016

HealthyRoad was the winning company of “Mobility and Environment” category in Desafios Porto 2016 program, whose goal is to find technological solutions that provide the most innovative responses to the city’s challenges.

The startup is incubated in UPTEC and was created in August 2014 by Filipe Oliveira, André Azevedo and Filipe Monteiro that, from early start, they have been working with the evolution of information technologies in “computer vision” area. With this technology the information is captured by the video camera and allows to detect objects and movements.

The lack of supervision and control of illegal parking, coupled with the fact that the public space is decreasing and the traffic is high, lead HealthyRoad to create the EYEParking.

The EYEParking is a pilot project that aims to manage the car parking through an innovative way, allowing to obtain very positive results for the city. With the help of video surveillance cameras that monitor the city, it’s possible to facilitate parking demand and improve the management of the occupation of public roads. The application provides information about the number of available parking spaces, allowing the citizen to navigate better, saving time and fuel and simultaneously allowing the autarchy to have a more effective management over them.

For the founders, the participation in Desafios Porto “brought the possibility of working together with prestigious institutions, allowing to make a real environment test pilot solving a problem of population and explore a new business area”.

The company recently launched an application in Google Play Store – HealthyRoad – which through the user’s smartphone it can monitor while driving and alert when you are distracted or on the verge of falling asleep.

Making roads safer, improve driving behavior and “reduce the accident rate by fatigue/ drowsiness and distraction, which are the main road accident factors” are the main objectives of the application. The company is currently working with the automotive industry in development of biometric analysis algorithms.

The HealthyRoad comes to develop mobile applications through facial biometric technology that allows, through the facial analysis of individuals, to detect their behavior. Signs of fatigue, numbness and emotional states are recognized by the application that beeps the driver, alerting him. The goal is to “include this technology in the root of every car in the near future”.

“Our biggest challenge is to reach an efficiency of approximately 95% in our algorithms before our competition”. The HealthyRoad aims to be a reference company “in the development of technologies for mobility sector, using biometrics techniques and computer vision to meet the challenges that are proposed”.