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The Porto That Rethinks Itself Goes To The QSP Summit To Meet International Management And Marketing Leaders

The QSP Summit brought the challenge of ‘Rethinking Organizations’, and Porto once again answered the call with its maximum adaptability on the journey to an increasingly sustainable city. The 17th edition of the marketing and management conference, which brought together more than 100 exhibitors, 3,500 participants and a hundred internationally renowned speakers at Exponor, demonstrated the strategy for attracting attention and investment in various areas, from the economy to tourism, from entrepreneurship to talent.

‘One thing is clear: the QSP Summit is 17 years old. We’re talking about a gigantic event with very different projects, and world-class thinkers. Porto has to be there. Full stop.’ These are the words of the Councillor for the Economy, Employment and Entrepreneurship.

At the stand where the Municipality promotes attraction and development tools and strategies, such as TERA, ScaleUp or Porto Leading Investors, Ricardo Valente states that Porto is a city ‘that seeks to adapt itself’ and thus promote innovation.

‘The city is an ecosystem of organisations; it needs this plasticity, this adaptability, to be able to leverage, promote or at least not restrict its ecosystem’s capacity to innovate’, he stresses.

For Ricardo Valente, the QSP Summit is ‘a meeting place’ for networking, since ‘the event’s audience are leaders, decision makers, and therefore an audience that already has a great deal of information about the city’.

‘We’re not here to lecture anyone about what Porto is, people already know it’, the Councillor believes, highlighting the commitment to bring other themes to the conference, such as sustainability, ‘our ultimate goal, the sustainable city in its generic aspect’.

Ricardo Valente refers to Porto as a ‘functional city in which the economy and tourism match and build together’. That’s why VisitPorto is also at the QSP Summit and, because it’s adaptability that the conference talks about, the new blocks strategy that the Municipality is developing to disperse tourist flows throughout the city.

Source: Porto.